Friday, November 4, 2011

Calling Companies

When I started the Gluten Free diet, I struggled to understand the labeling.  Some "gluten free" products listed "manufactured in facility that processes wheat products."
After about 6 months of timidness, i started to call these different companies.  Most have been not only helpful and informative, but it's also fun to talk with the nutrition associates.  And I'm calling companies throughout the United States. Each time i call a company, i ask what state they are located in and what the weather is like there.  It's just fun talking to people who are fairly knowledgeable about the gluten free diet and requirements.  
For instance, I called Amy's Kitchen to check out why it is labeled gluten free but states that it is prepared in facilities that may process wheat products.  She explained how rigorous their cleaning and testing of equipment is before they make a gluten free product.  I understood that they also keep their gluten free ingredients on the loading dock (short term) until it can be placed in a gluten free storage area.  
A lot of their products (all?) are actually prepared by hand; for an example she told me that the frozen pizza dough is actually formed by a person, and the burritos are folded by hand.  
Really wish I could tour their facilities to see this, but contamination issues prevent this.
I also called the number on the back of Milky Way bars.  It's one of my favorite chocolates, so I called about the gluten free status.  Yup, they are "generally" gluten free, but during busy seasons (Halloween, Christmas, Easter) they may use a contracted facility that does process wheat products.  When that happens, they are very careful to print that information on the package.  But hallelujah, I can eat Milky Way bars again!!
Always in doubt about a product, call the number listed on the label and ask them.  It's fun and you can gain a little more insight into the workings of these companies.
I'll list at another time more companies that I've called.  
Have any of you called a company?  I'd love to hear which ones and what they said.   
I'm keeping a binder with this info in it so that I can re-check the gluten free products. 
Please share your experiences.  It helps us all to share this kind of info.  
If in doubt, always call the company!
Well, I'm going to have my much beloved milky way mini bar.

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Health awareness

Eating gluten free does not provide as much nutrition as gluten products, as most wheat flours are "enriched" or "fortified".  
Be sure to see your doctor regularly, and have your Iron level and other nutrients checked periodically.  
Gluten damage can result in malabsorption of much needed nutrients.
I have been severely anemic for the past several years, and am now fighting to figure out how to get my system to absorb nutrients.  
Even my doctors are stumped.  

I would be interested in hearing some of the comments by your doctors about your Celiac Disease symptoms.  One of my favorites was a doctor who declared that I had a "very narrow life" (I'm not sure how she arrived at that conclusion).
Many have tried to make it a psychological problem (like I enjoy being exhausted and malnourished).  
Always, always request a copy of your records, including the doctor's notes. (It is your right to have copies of every piece of information in your file.)
My prior GI doc, upon completion of an endoscopic diagnosis of Celiac Disease, told me "You must stay on a gluten free diet. See you in 5 years." 
Moral to this: If your doctor says something like this, find another one. So many general GI docs don't know how to treat Celiac Disease, or manage its symptoms; they just know how to perform the endoscopy, take pretty pictures of the stomach and small intestines,take biopsies and give you a diagnosis, and no further assistance.  
If this happens to you, google Celiac Disease Doctors in your area.  
Let me know some of your experiences (please keep them appropriate).
Please don't name doctors at this point, just your experiences.  

Pumpkin Muffins

I baked a dozen large muffins and 6 small muffins from this recipe:
(based on recipe from Easy Gluten-Free Baking by Elizabeth Barbone)
Ingredients needed: White Rice Flour, Corn Starch, Cinnamon & Nutmeg, Baking Soda, Salt, Xanthan gum; 4 large eggs, Vegetable oil, Juice (I used white grape juice~she recommends Orange Juice), Brown Sugar, Granulated Sugar, Pumpkin Pie Filling, Black Strap Molasses.
Preheat Oven 350 degrees
In large mixing bowl:
4 large eggs
1 Cup vegetable oil
1/2 Cup Juice (acidic juice)
Blend well
2 Cups brown sugar
1 cup granulated sugar
1 15 oz can pumpkin pie filling (she recommends pure pumpkin, but I used pie filling)
Blend well.
Whisk together:
2 1/2 Cups white rice flour
1/2 Sorghum flour (it gives it a nice texture)
1/2 Cups Corn Starch
3 teaspoons Cinnamon 
2 teaspoons Nutmeg
2 teaspoons Baking Soda
1 1/2 teaspoons Salt
1 teaspoon Xanthan gum
1 Tablespoon Black Strap Molasses (you can substitute honey or agave nectar)
Add to Wet Ingredients and blend well until all ingredients are thoroughly combined.
Be sure to scrap bowl as blending.
Batter should be slightly denser than cake batter.
Spray muffin tins with cooking oil (she recommends dusting loaf pans with white rice powder)
Spoon batter into muffin cups 3/4 full
Bake for about 45 minutes, until muffins are springy to touch and golden brown
Let muffins cool about 5 minutes
Pop out onto wire rack to cool.

The muffins are not only tasty but good for you (a plus for gluten free baking)
Muffins reheat well in either microwave or toaster oven set on bake for a few minutes, or cold.  Great addition to breakfast, lunch, and that pick-me-up snack.
Approximate calorie count: I'm not going to even try to guess. 
Eat responsibly and enjoy!


Tuesday, November 1, 2011


I'm looking for others who are looking for others to share the Gluten Free (GF) lifestyle. 
Got recipes, tips, positive feedback?  
Questions, comments, concerns, and statements are welcome.  Please no whine with that cheese. No name calling please, and there are no stupid questions, just stupid answers (which are sometimes helpful as comic relief).

Just a beginning

Will be setting up soon!